Monday, July 23, 2012

My stories ( well like 3-4 chapters of it)

Please don't make fun of the names i picked - O - and or my stories. if you dont like it, you dont like it i guess. ._. This story i think is more meant for gurls but for ik guys havent read it yet so..... enjoy :x - Alice

Bloodied Black Rose
Chapter: The Words
Stunned, I pushed myself away from Ren slightly, my eyes staring into his. Will you marry me? Seemed impossible. But falling in love with a vampire isn’t exactly impossible, just unreal. He pursed his lips, waiting impatiently for my answer. “Yes.” I finally said, tears coming to my eyes. He beamed and swooped me up in his arms, my arms around his neck as we kissed passionately. I was officially engaged to Ren Senai (Pronounced Say-Na-e).
I smiled in happiness as we joyously celebrated in my room with tons of kisses, embraces and laughter. I had never been proposed to, not that it’d ever happen with regular people, but thoughts ran through my mind instantly. What would I wear to my wedding? Who should I invite? How can we afford all this? We need our own house now…. How are we going to find a house to suit us? I groaned. “What is it?” He asked, pulling away from me to look at me in the face. “How can we afford a wedding? Or our own house?” I asked. “I have life savings. And when I say life savings, I mean life savings.” He grinned. “I’m 18. Each year of my birth my grandparents used to put in my account 1,000 per birthday. So currently I have 18,000 dollars in my account that we now share.” “Wow. I wish I had grandparents like yours. Mine only give me a gift card of 25-40 dollars and there for a certain shop or a restaurant.” I sighed.
He laughed. “Ah, well, we have our differences, but they make us who we are.” He pulled my close to kiss the top of my chest. For once, this made me feel excited rather than scared. Is this what engagement or even marriage does to you? Allows you to do things you do while dating? I let my head go limp and let him carry my weight. I felt his fangs sink deep into my neck and I let out a moan as I felt blood leave my body. My eyes flashed a gruesome red and I eagerly pushed my lips to his, open-mouthed. He pushed his blood out his mouth and into mine; feeding me some blood I had lost.
Surprisingly this made me happy, excited even. To feel your lover’s blood within you, and your blood within him makes your heart pump like it never could. I heard a knock-knock on the door. I snarled, angry about our interrupted moment. Ren calmly wiped his mouth as I dropped to the floor. “Come in.” He said. My dad appeared wide-eyed about my wild appearance; blood dripping from my mouth and my hair in tussles. “Dad!” I said, my happiness stretching a mile. “Hi, sweetie. I see you two have been busy.” He hinted, with a sly wink to Ren. Ren smirked. “Dad we have something to tell you.” I said eagerly.
I saw something in his eyes that read, please don’t be pregnant. I snickered. “We are getting married.” Ren said proudly. “Wow! That’s great honey!” Dad said to me, as I ran over to hug his humane-self. “I know right!” I half-screamed, despite my new fiancée being right in front of me; making me turn rose-red. In truth, I did want a baby. I wanted a mini Ren to hug, comfort and love. But I figured not to say anything to Ren to soon, I didn’t want him to feel like he had to do anything to make me happy. Not that I’d want a baby now. We’re now just newly engaged. I sighed, feeling everything I’d have to sacrifice to have one baby. Buy new clothes. Big house. Crib, diapers, bottles, toys…. Not to mention a long unemployed time of crying, waking up at night and unless tension. I sighed.
“Well, do you want to come with me to my parents or stay here and tell your friends?” Ren asked. “I’ll stay here. I’ll make the wedding invites.” I grinned. “That’s my girl.” He kissed me on the lips passionately, and then he was gone. “Married. Wow.” Dad mumbled, walking away, stunned that I’d be getting married at 17. It was unreal. But getting married to a vampire was more unreal then it seemed. Though I was a vampire, so it didn’t make me exactly normal either.

Eagerly, I ran all the way to Leo’s place, holding a bag filled with my wedding invitations I made, with the convenient help of my dad. What if he says he won’t come, I thought sadly. I knocked on Leo’s front door to his house, which was a cream color. He opened the door. “Hey there.” He said, looking down at me with a half smile. “Hey, um, is Seiran here?” I asked. “Right here.” She waved her hand a few feet behind Leo. “Can I come in?” Leo immediately moved out of my way and I swiftly moved past him, making my way into his living room and sitting on the edge of a lounge chair. They silently followed me and sat in front of me, side by side.
“Please give me a straight answer.” I whispered. I fumbled in the bag until I found the ones named Leo and Seiran. I handed it to them. “What is this…?” Leo snarled. “It’s a wedding invitation.” Seiran said quietly. Then she paused and suddenly beamed. “Shut up! You are not getting married!” She screamed excitedly, jumping out of her seat. “Heck yeah I am!” I screamed, standing up too, fired up with excitement. We screamed and embraced tightly while Leo remained seated. “I want Seiran to be my maid-of-honor, and Leo to be my man-of-honor!” I said happily. “Oh I’m so going to go!” She squealed, grabbing my hands.
“I’m not.” I froze. I stared at Leo. “Why not?” I asked. “I don’t go to weddings.” He said and stood up, walking away. “Liar!” I shouted. He turned back to me, shocked. “You just don’t want to see me get married!” “I don’t want you getting married to that bastard!!” I stepped back, immediately hurt. “I don’t know what you have against Ren, but you are not changing my mind! I love Ren and nothing will ever change that. Not even a low-life like you!” I screamed. I felt cold wind beside me, and I looked up. Ren was next to me, his eyes dark, and cold.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Leo spat out, disgusted. “I’m here to get my fiancée, idiot.” Ren hissed. Ren protectively put a hand on my stomach and pushed my half way behind him. “Look if you came for her, you could have waited outside. You just contaminated my house.” Leo said bitterly. “You contaminated my life.” Ren said coldly. This was scaring me. I grabbed Ren’s leather jacket and hid my face into it. I felt warm tears go down my cheeks. Whenever they fought, I felt darkness flow everywhere, making me uneasy. “Would you consider doing this somewhere else?” Seiran hissed her arms on my shoulders. “You haven’t noticed you’re scaring the crap out of your fiancée.” Ren turned around and swooped me into his arms, cleaning the running makeup on my face. “Don’t be scared.” He said, and immediately wasn’t anymore. Ren just wanted to protect me. “Alice.” Leo said calmly. I looked over to him. “I’ll keep the card….” He began. “But don’t expect me to show up.”

Chapter: The Wedding Decor
After handing out all the invitations, Seiran helped me and Ren choose a place for our wedding. “How about Silver Streams? They have lovely themes you can choose from and you can get married in front of a natural theme, with real trees, and flowers surrounding you.” She said. “No, look at the price.” I groaned. 17,000 dollars for a wedding? You have to be freaking kidding me. 1,000 dollars isn’t going to get me a big house. Especially if we want a baby. “Okay, how about Nature’s Gate?” She asked, pointing to a picture of a nice white wedding lined with silver designs, and dozens of white flowers around, roses, orchids, daffodils. It was so pretty. And only 6,000 dollars!
“It’s so gorgeous!” I cried. “You want this one?” Ren asked. “Yes!” I said. “Okay then.” He took the brochure from my hand. “I’ll go call the place and get a reservation. Meanwhile, you girls can go shopping for a wedding dress and the bridesmaids’ dresses. He handed me an envelope that had 10,000 written on it with a dollar sign next to it. “Compliments of my parents.” He winked. Damn he was rich.

At the wedding store we browsed hundreds of dresses, but half the ones I wanted either were to big, too small, or not my taste. Then I spotted a dress on a mannequin that was so pretty, I wanted to steal it! It was a white corset wedding dress, with silver sequins and real pearls. The back was so long they had a runway behind it to show how long it was. 9 feet long maybe? “I want that one!” I pointed to the dress on the mannequin and showed the clerk. “Sweetie that dress 6,500.” She put her hands on her hips as if I wasn’t worthy of a dress like that. I glared at her and showed her the envelope. I showed her the number. “Oh!” She gasped. “I am so sorry.” She immediately said, seeing she had almost lost a customer. Almost.
Excited, I tried on the dress and modeled it for Seiran and my bridesmaids. I had 10 bridesmaids. Ashley, Raven, Ali, Alyssa, Sam, Vicky, Jess, Lindsey, Kayla, and Hayley. All my friends ogled at my dress, gushing amongst each-other. “It’s so pretty! I wish I could afford a dress like that.” Ashley said sadly. “Yeah. But it looks better on you.” Alyssa said, with a nod. “You fit it perfectly.” Hayley chimed. “I’m going to catch the bouquet!” Lindsey said. “Not if I steal it.” Jess said with a smirk. Lindsey glared. “I’m too short. I’ll probably go dance with strangers.” Kayla shrugged. “Dancing with strangers is awesome.” I agreed. “Oh you’re not going to dance with your fiancée?” Raven sarcastically gasped.
The other girls followed. “Of course of going to dance with him.” I scoffed. “But I have to dance with my dad, as he dances with his mom. Remember? Gosh, that is so tension-rising.” I cried. “Yeah, I bet your dad is going to ask if you’re going be a mommy soon.” Seiran said. “I know right!!” I groaned. “Grandparents rule.” Jess said. “Yeah they give you money!” Alyssa said. “But I want to be a mommy.” I said quietly. They all gasped for real this time. “WOW! That’s awesome Alice!” Hayley said. “No it’s not, cause’ we’re going to need a big house, buying cribs, toys, playpens, diapers, bottles…. Jeez!!” I said exasperatedly. “But how can you guys buy a big house if you haven’t told Ren you want a baby?” Ashley asked. “I don’t want to rush things! He proposed a few days ago!” I cried.
“But still! This is your future!” Vicky said. “But every time I ask for something he gets it right away? What if I get pregnant right away?” I whispered. “You don’t have to rush that. Wait until your honeymoon.” Jess said. “Yeah, wait till’ then.” Seiran agreed. “But tell him first.” Seiran reached into my leather purse Ren had bought for me and dialed a number. “Who are you calling?!” I demanded. She immediately handed me the phone. “Hello?” A smooth voice answered. “Ren!!” I cried. I glared at Seiran. “Tell him!!” Ali whispered.
“What is it? Did you find a dress?”
“Yes.” I said.
“Okay what’s wrong?”
 “I have to tell you something.”
I pursed my lips.
“I want…. A baby.” I finally said. Silence came from the other end. “A baby?” He asked, confused. “Yeah you know the little thing that comes out of a woman’s stomach and cries a lot?” I asked. “I know what a baby is!” He scoffed. “Okay. Why’d you wait to tell me?” He asked. “I was thinking about getting a big house, but someone pointed out to me that…. how can we get a big house if you didn’t know I wanted a child. I didn’t want you to think I was searching for a big house for nothing.” I said. “Even if you didn’t want a child and anted a big house, I would have bought for you anyway.” He said, with feeling. I put my hand over my heart.
“If you want a baby…. Then it’s okay.” Ren said. “I don’t mind.” “Can we do it on our honeymoon?” I giggled slightly as the girls snickered. He snickered too. “Sure baby. Love you.” “Love you too.” I said and hung up. “What he say?” Sam asked. “He said yes!” I screamed in victory. We all screamed in delight, despite the accompany of customers and clerks staring at us as if we were lunatics. We probably were. We just didn’t know it yet.

Chapter: The Official Wedding
I was in the Nature’s Gate upstairs dorm for the bride. Seiran did my hair into a neat bun, held together by hair accessories adorned with fake white roses with silver glitter on the tips of the petals.  As she put on my makeup I felt sudden tension. “Seiran.” My voice cracked. She looked up from finishing my eye liner and eye shadow. “I feel sick.” I whimpered. “Good thing I chose waterproof makeup.” She said. I smiled through nervous tears. For Seiran’s Maid-Of-Honor dress, I let her choose a rose-red corset gown with a scarf that hung from her elbows around her back. For the bridesmaids, we all settled on a light blue flowing dress that shined in the sun, giving a nice gentle appearance to the girls.
I peeked out the guest window. I saw dad, Seiran’s parents, Ren’s parents, and Leo’s parents, probably filling in kindly for their son’s absence. My heart pounded. “Don’t worry about Leo.” She said. “You’re marrying the love of your life today. Don’t stress.” She dabbed the rims of my eyes, removing the tears. “C’mon I’ll help you into your dress.” I stood up and took off my clothes. She tossed the dress over my head and I slipped it on. She clipped my veil on and stood back to look at me. “You look gorgeous!” She gushed. “You just took the words out of my mouth.”
I turned to see my dad in a black tux. “Wow, dad you look great!” I said. “Thanks honey. You look great, yourself.” He grinned. I smiled. “Is it time yet?” Seiran asked. “10 minute warning. Better get down there.” He told her. She nodded. “Remember, walk slowly, breathe calmly, and don’t panic.” She told me before skittering out of the room. I sighed. “It’s happening dad.” I said quietly. “Yeah, my baby is getting married. Even though I’m not your biological father, I always wanted to be. You’re a great girl Alice.” Dad told me in a voice that had so much feeling I wanted to cry.
“C’mon let’s get you in your place. It’s almost time.” “Okay.” I choked out. He took me by the elbow and guided me towards a small tunnel. I peeked outside where I saw rows of white chairs, the sides adorned with white roses, white orchids, and white daffodils. I gulped as I saw Ren standing there in a black tux, with a white handkerchief in his breast pocket. His hair was combed to have one eye almost covering his right eye. His mahogany hair seemed brighter, more vivid.
My stomach shrank as I heard the wedding song played on the piano by Ren’s mother Vivianne.  The flower girl, who was my 7 year old step-cousin Daisy, scattered rose petals onto the ground. “This is it.” Dad whispered, and slowly took a step forward. I followed him. It was hard to stare straight at Ren with guests ogling my dress and my overall appearance. He smiled happily and I did too. We knew what this meant. Freedom. A chance to be together forever. And a new future, we can’t predict. What can be better than that? When I finally got to Ren I grabbed his hands eagerly.
Thoughts went through my mind as the Priest spoke. I’m getting married. I’m going to have a baby. We’re going to live in a house and be alone. To love forever. And always be like this…. Happy…. I snapped out of my fantasy and realized-shortly- that I was crying. “Do you Alice Parker; take Ren Senai, as your lawfully wedded husband?” The Priest asked me. “I do.” I said. “And do you Ren Senai; take Alice Parker, as your lawfully wedded wife?” “I do.” He said. “You may now kiss the bride.” The Priest announced. We passionately kissed as the audience cheered, cried, and whistled for us. Why wouldn’t they anyway? I was now Alice Senai.
Chapter: After Party
The party room was adorned with pearl white table clothes with the center pieces being vases of freshly picked white roses. There was a dance floor big enough for all of the guests to dance with each-other. We all sat at our reserved tables to eat. “Excuse me all of you.” My dad humbled announced, he champagne glass in his hand. “I’d like to make a toast before we eat. To my lovely daughter and her husband.” He looked down at me. “May their future be bright, and their love to last a lifetime!” My dad announced. “Cheers!!” Everyone clinked there glasses together. I smiled at Ren and we kissed. Flashes of cameras went off. I laughed as we ate our meals. Fettuccini Alfredo, with chicken breast, Ren’s favorite dinner, the dessert being my favorite, Hot Molten Chocolate Lava Cake that could feed 50 people. The outside of the cake had white butter cream frosting.
On the top of the cake it said Ren & Alice Forever. “For eternity!” I said happily as I saw the cake. “Mhm…” Ren hugged me close. “Attention everyone!” It was Seiran, with a microphone. “It’s time for the dance, featuring Alice and her dad, and Ren with his mother.” My dad grabbed my hands and put them on his shoulders, as he put his hands on my waist. “Ah, Alice…. You’re so grown up. Last time I saw you, you were playing with Barbie dolls in your room. Now look at you. Married.” He shook his head in disbelief. He was aching. Having me move out of the house is going to be traumatic, no doubt.
I glanced at Ren, and Vivianne dancing together. They were swift and light movements that would normally come from a skilled dancer. I envied Vivianne for her beauty, and grace. “We all aren’t perfect dear.” Dad sighed as he saw Vivianne dance. She saw us and beamed a fang-filled smile. I smiled back, my dad mesmerized. We danced until the song was over. Then a new song came on. A slow, romantic one. “Alright, let the newlyweds dance.” Seiran said, and the lights dimmed as I walked over to Ren, hugging him close, my eyes closed as my head lay gently on his shoulder.
The music flowed through my body, making me feel loved, and cared for. He hummed the music to himself, letting giving me the intention he requested this song to be played. The song lasted a long 4 minutes. Then it was time to cut the cake. After everyone got pictures of us cutting we finally got to eat it. He carefully put a spoonful of cake in my mouth as I did the same to him. I giggled as he took some frosting and smothered it onto my cheek. After we ate the cake –Ren cutting a huge piece to save for me for later- we said hello to all our guests. Vivianne and her husband Terrance were the first. “Hello Alice. Welcome to the family.” Vivianne said, hugging me. “It’s a pleasure for us to have you in our line of family.” Terrance said humbly, shaking my hand. “It’s a pleasure for me too.” I said. “Mother, father, we will see you in a few months?” Ren hinted. “Ah, yes! The honeymoon! Where are you going?” Vivianne asked. “Yeah, where are we going?” I asked. “Secret.” He smirked. “Ah, darn.” Vivianne sighed. “Oh well. Send us pictures!” Vivianne chimed, before walking away into the crowd.
We walked to Leo’s parents, who were with Seiran’s parents. Seiran stood between her mom and dad. “We’re so glad to see you married Alice.” Leo’s mother, Ginger, said. “Yes, it is a disappointment our son did not come. It was very lovely and well planned.” Leo’s father, Paul said. “Yeah.” I strained a smile. “It’s a shame.” Ren saw my discomfort and immediately changed the subject. “Are you enjoying yourself?” Ren asked politely. “Oh, yes, yes! We loved the natural wedding, very graceful looking.” Ginger said. “Ah, well if our son isn’t here I best we get on our way.” Paul sighed. “Good to see you Alice. See you in a few months. Bring pictures please.” Ginger pleaded as she –seemed to be reluctantly- walked away with her husband out the door.
Seiran’s mom, Siena, hugged me with all her might. “Alice you looking completely stunning, I’m not even kidding!” Siena gushed. Seiran face palmed herself in embarrassment of her mother’s anxious attitude. Sorry, She mouthed. Its okay, I mouthed back as Siena hugged me again. “You’re like another daughter to me. If there is anything you need, anything at all, you come to our home and I’ll get it for you. If you’re having problems with your father you can’t say give me a call.” She quickly took a piece of paper from her clutch and a pen. She wrote a 10-digit number and gave it to me. “There.” She said happily. Seiran’s dad, Nathan just grinned. He wasn’t really a talker, but he always meant well. “Well, she has to go.” Seiran gushed, rushing over to me. “If you don’t go you’ll miss you’re plane!”
“Wait, you know where I’m going?” I glared at Seiran. “Of course, I helped plan practically everything!” Seiran rolled her eyes ignoring my glare. “Wait! You’re going in your wedding dress?” She asked horrified. “I can’t change now, I’ll miss my plane!” I cried. I didn’t notice Ren had disappeared until he tapped my shoulder. “Your luggage is in the car. Seiran picked out clo9thes for you. But for now.” He swooped me up in his arms. “You’re going with me.” Everyone whistled and clapped as he walked outside and gently put me in the car. As he got in we both waved out the back window to our friends and family as we drove away. This is a new beginning. I thought. Everything is going to change, starting now.
Liked it? If you have a blogger comment please! if not you can leave a message on my board in Pico or mail me. Both works :P - Alice

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